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Book Edited/Chapters

 Book Authored
(2) Nanosensors for Point-of-Care Diagnostics of Pathogenic Bacteria; Acharya, A*. and Singhal, N. K., Eds.; SPRINGER NATURE: Singapore, 2023; p. 1-179. (DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-1218-6; Print ISBN: 978-981-99-1217-9; Online ISBN: 978-981-99-1218-6) [Follow]

(1)  Nanomaterial - Based Biomedical Applications in Molecular Imaging, Diagnostics and Therapy; Acharya, A*., Ed.; SPRINGER NATURE: Singapore, 2020; p. 1-203. (DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-4280-0; Print ISBN: 978-981-15-4279-4; Online ISBN: 978-981-15-4280-0) [Follow]

Brief about the book:
Chapter 1: Dar, A. I., Acharya, A.* “Nanomaterials: From Research to Personalized Medicine”. In Nanomaterial - Based Biomedical Applications in Molecular Imaging, Diagnostics and Therapy; Acharya, A., Ed.; SPRINGER NATURE: Singapore, 2020; p. 1-10. [Follow]

Chapter 2: Kumari, A., Pooja, Sharma, S., Acharya, A.* “Introduction to Molecular Imaging, Diagnostics, and Therapy”. In Nanomaterial - Based Biomedical Applications in Molecular Imaging, Diagnostics and Therapy; Acharya, A., Ed.; SPRINGER NATURE: Singapore, 2020; p. 11-26. [Follow]

Chapter 3: Walia, S., Sharma, C., Acharya, A.* “Biocompatible Fluorescent Nanomaterials for Molecular Imaging Applications”. In Nanomaterial - Based Biomedical Applications in Molecular Imaging, Diagnostics and Therapy; Acharya, A., Ed.; SPRINGER NATURE: Singapore, 2020; p. 27-53. [Follow]

Chapter 4: Sharma, C., Walia, S., Acharya, A.* “Nanomaterials for Point of Care Disease Detection”. In Nanomaterial - Based Biomedical Applications in Molecular Imaging, Diagnostics and Therapy; Acharya, A., Ed.; SPRINGER NATURE: Singapore, 2020; p. 55-77. [Follow]

Chapter 5: Shukla, A. K., Verma, M., Acharya, A.* “Biomolecules Immobilized Nanomaterials and Their Biological Applications”. In Nanomaterial - Based Biomedical Applications in Molecular Imaging, Diagnostics and Therapy; Acharya, A., Ed.; SPRINGER NATURE: Singapore, 2020; p. 79-101. [Follow]

Chapter 6: Verma, M., Shukla, A. K., Acharya, A.* “Lectin Nanoconjugates for Targeted Therapeutic Applications”. In Nanomaterial - Based Biomedical Applications in Molecular Imaging, Diagnostics and Therapy; Acharya, A., Ed.; SPRINGER NATURE: Singapore, 2020; p. 103-127. [Follow]

Chapter 7: Abidi, S. M. S., Dar, A. I., Acharya, A.* “Plant-Based Polymeric Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications”. In Nanomaterial - Based Biomedical Applications in Molecular Imaging, Diagnostics and Therapy; Acharya, A., Ed.; SPRINGER NATURE: Singapore, 2020; p. 129-158. [Follow]

Chapter 8: Dar, A. I., Abidi, S. M. S., Acharya, A.* “Nanomaterials at the Biological Interphase: Protein Corona Formation and Infusion Reactions”. In Nanomaterial - Based Biomedical Applications in Molecular Imaging, Diagnostics and Therapy; Acharya, A., Ed.; SPRINGER NATURE: Singapore, 2020; p. 159-183. [Follow]

Chapter 9: Pooja, Sharma, S., Kumari, A., Acharya, A.* “Critical Overview of the Subject: Current Scenario and Future Prospects”. In Nanomaterial - Ba​sed Biomedical Applications in Molecular Imaging, Diagnostics and Therapy; Acharya, A., Ed.; SPRINGER NATURE: Singapore, 2020; p. 185-203. [Follow]

Contributed Book Chapters
(6) Bathla, M., Saini, T. C., Acharya, A*. “Applications of Smart Nanostructures in Crop Production and Protection”.  In Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials in the Agri-Food Industries; Singh, P., Khare, P., Mishra, D., Bilal, M., Sillanpaa, M., Eds.; Elsevier: USA, 2023. [Follow]

(5)  Sharma, C., Verma, M., Randhawa, S., Acharya, A*. “Nanotechnological Interventions for the Detection of Pathogens through Surface Marker Recognition”. In Handbook of Microbial Nanotechnology; Hussain C.M., Ed.; Elsevier (ScienceDirect): 2021. [Follow]

(4)  Shukla, A. K., Sharma, C., Abidi, S. M. S., Acharya, A.* “Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Eco-friendly Polymer Composites”. In Sustainable Polymer Composites and Nanocomposites; Inamuddin, Thomas, S., Mishra, R. K., Asiri, A. M. Eds.; Springer: U.K. 2018; pp 105-141. [Follow]

(3) Kumari, A., Singla R., Guliani, A., Walia, S., Acharya, A. and Yadav, S. K.* “Nanoscale Materials in Targeted Drug Delivery”. In Nanoscale Materials in Targeted Drug Delivery, Theregnosis and Tissue Engineering; Yadav, S. K., Ed.; Springer: Singapore, 2016; pp 1-19. [Follow]

(2)  Walia, S. and Acharya, A.* “Theragnosis: Nanoparticles as a Tool for Simultaneous Therapy and Diagnosis”. In Nanoscale Materials in Targeted Drug Delivery, Theregnosis and Tissue Engineering; Yadav, S. K., Ed.; Springer: Singapore, 2016; pp 127-152. [Follow]

(1)  Kumari, A., Singla R., Guliani, A., Acharya, A.* and Yadav, S. K.* “Cellular Response of Therapeutic Nanoparticles”. In Nanoscale Materials in Targeted Drug Delivery, Theregnosis and Tissue Engineering; Yadav, S. K., Ed.; Springer: Singapore, 2016; pp 153-172. [Follow]


Nano-Bio Interface Laboratory

Dr. Amitabha Acharya
Principal Scientist
Nanobiology Lab, Biotechnology Division
CSIR - Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology
Post Box No. 6, Palampur (H.P.) 176 061, INDIA.
Tel (off):  +91-1894-233339 Extn. 397
Fax: +91-1894-230433

©2021 by Amitabha Acharya.
Created by Trilok Saini, and Amitabha Acharya

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